Peace Perceptions Poll 2018

Peace Perceptions Poll 2018

Through the Peace Perceptions Poll, we asked more than 100,000 people in 15 countries – from those in active conflicts to those in relative peace – about their views on peace and conflict.

The poll was an attempt to find out how people experience and respond to violence where they live, what contributes to more peaceful and secure societies, and how they think their government should respond to conflict.

It comes at a time when conflict is on the rise, leaving millions displaced, killed and injured. A time of increasing tension between great powers, the erosion of international norms and with the cost of conflict spiralling out of control.

Within this context the findings showed a clear public appetite for an approach to violence that moves beyond crisis response towards long-term conflict prevention, commonly termed ‘peacebuilding’. This approach seeks to deal with the underlying drivers of conflict while building societies’ capacity to deal with conflict peacefully.

Led by International Alert and the British Council, in partnership with global polling agency RIWI, the poll aimed to help political leaders and senior policy-makers better understand the views, hopes and aspirations of their constituencies when it comes to pursuing sustainable solutions to today’s leading security challenges, whether that is terrorism, migration or internal conflicts.

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Approaches to tackling violent conflict

In 2020, we decided to take a more detailed look at three approaches to tackling violent conflict that respondents highlighted during the poll, to better understand the role they can play in supporting peace: humanitarian development, peace education and social media.

Below, you can read more about our latest research on these subjects.

With the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) having a profound impact on peace and conflict around the world, the need for peacebuilding is more pressing than ever. Not least because the presence of conflict is making it more difficult for emergency responders to tackle the pandemic and reach those most in need.

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