International Alert is committed to managing the money donated to us efficiently and effectively.
We receive most of our funds in the form of restricted (project) or unrestricted (general support and core donor support) grants from institutional funders—primarily governments, together with some charitable trusts and foundations. In recent years, we have begun exploring fundraising from private individuals and companies to diversify our funding.
A quarter of our annual expenditure is passed on as grants to partner organisations. In some cases, this is because we lead a consortium, while in other cases, the project involves building the capacity of a specific recipient organisation or Alert learning from them.
Our expenditure in 2023
Of our total expenditure in 2023, 97% was spent on programme costs and 3% on core organisational costs.
For detailed information about our financial accounts, please read our latest Annual Report and Accounts (31 July 2024). For previous accounts, see the Charity Commission website.
We are members of the International Aid Transparency Initiative, which makes information about aid spending easier to access, use and understand.

Annual Report 2023
In 2023, we collaborated with 112 partners on 59 projects in 24 countries and territories, making the case for peacebuilding and supporting communities in the world’s most challenging contexts. We reflect on our key successes and lessons learned from this work in our annual report.
Donate today and help us make peace a reality
We believe in a world where people resolve their differences without violence. From the grassroots to policy level, we bring people together to build sustainable peace.