Early warning of violence
Understanding potential triggers of violence requires a deep understanding of the context. We can predict vulnerability and resilience to conflict based on knowledge of the specific social, political, economic and environmental dynamics of a place over time.
We build this understanding through a variety of means. Our invaluable in-country networks, partnerships and relationships enable us to build a picture of people’s experiences of security and insecurity, through conversations, research and dialogue.
We also use technology to support our early warning systems. Together with the Water, Peace and Security partnership, our global early warning tool uses machine learning, coupled with environmental, meteorological, social and economic data to forecast where violence is likely to occur.
Water, Peace & Security partnership
The Global Early Warning Tool developed through the Water, Peace and Security partnership uses big data, AI, remote sensing and human responses modelling as well as conflict analysis to understand and predict water-related security risks. This data can then be used by policymakers and practitioners to inform peacebuilding efforts.
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