Gender and peacebuilding
Alert understands gender as fundamental to violent conflict and peacebuilding: men, women, boys, girls, and gender minorities are affected by and involved differently in both.
Promoting gender sensitivity is a central pillar of our work. Gender analysis is our point of departure. With our partners, we undertake research to develop gender-sensitive conflict analyses, to shape evidence-based policy and develop gender-sensitive programming. We train people across the peacebuilding, development and humanitarian sectors to advocate for the integration of specific gender issues into peacebuilding and security processes.
Across our programmes, we integrate gender-relational perspectives into women’s empowerment, women, peace and security work, sexual and gender-based violence prevention, violent extremism prevention and conflict-sensitive natural resource management. This means working on perceptions of masculinity, and sexual and gender minorities, through research and programmes on patriarchal norms and masculinities.
We advocate for gender identities to be considered in international and national policies and practice, including the overall COVID-19 response, to ensure the international community contributes to shifting gender norms and gendered power dynamics in pursuit of non-violent and equitable gender relations in fragile and conflict settings.

Breaking the gender trap: Challenging patriarchal norms to create pathways to peace
Narrow and limiting definitions of what it means to be a man or woman block peacebuilding efforts. Our new paper examines the impact of these patriarchal norms in Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Nigeria and the Philippines.
Recent publications

How we challenged the 65% rise in domestic violence in Kyrgyzstan
The onset of COVID-19 and the lockdown imposed by the government saw a 65% increase in domestic and intimate partner violence in Kyrgyzstan. Here’s how we’re challenging gender-based violence.
Recent posts
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