International Alert's Aswaat Faeela project workshop


We work with those affected by conflict to end violence and create the conditions for peaceful coexistence and positive social change.

Our work supports building peaceful relationships between all sectors of society, developing and supporting societies’ mechanisms for keeping the peace, and helping to ensure that everyone can live satisfying, peaceful lives.

Working with those affected by conflict

We believe that violent conflict can only be resolved sustainably by those directly affected by it. The solutions to societal problems must by their very nature be applied from within society, which means appropriate changes need to be defined and achieved by people and organisations in the conflict-affected places where we work. The participation and collaboration of those most affected by the conflict, and people with diverse perspectives, are essential for both ending violence and building sustainable peace.

Building peaceful relationships

Relationships between people who disagree are necessary both to address immediate direct violence and to bring about changes to institutions, attitudes and behaviours that underpin structural violence. We work to support the building of trusting relationships between powerholders and wider society (known as vertical relationships) and among people across society (known as horizontal relationships).

Keeping the peace

Societies have developed multiple ways to manage relationships between people, and in particular disagreements or tensions between their members, without use of violence. We work to support these institutions to work inclusively and equitably, and where necessary adapt.

Living peaceful lives

In a peaceful society, people have fair access to services of decent standards that enable them to live in dignity. We work to address structural limitations and ensure fair access to services, to enable all people to live their diverse lives peacefully. As well as satisfying individual needs, such work reduces the risk of some groups’ grievances resulting in violence and enables diverse contributions to peaceful social change.

Our country and global teams and partners provide context-specific insights on the peacebuilding needs where we work. You can find out more about some of our approaches and areas of expertise below.

Our approach

We support the integration of conflict and gender sensitivity practices into the operations of organisations working in fragile and conflict-affected places.

Interview about community forest in Shan State, Myanmar. Photo by U Aung Naing Oo
We support the integration of conflict and gender sensitivity practices into the operations of organisations working in fragile and conflict-affected places.
International Alert's Right to Voice journalism project in Nepal. Photo by Robic Upadhayay
We provide dedicated support in conflict-sensitive practice to all working in fragile and conflict-affected states, from donors to practitioners and businesses.
Claire and Beata who met through International Alert's peacebuilding project in Rwanda
Dialogue is a central tool in our peacebuilding. It involves bringing people together across conflict lines to improve relationships and build trust.
International Alert's Aswat Faeela project closing event photo by Zita Luiten
Bringing about social change requires influencing those with the power, capacity or mandate to change structures, attitudes and behaviours in society.
Two friends in Tunisia photo by Callum Francis Hugh
We collaborate with others locally, nationally, regionally and globally to identify the solutions to societal problems and bring about positive social change.
Ibrahim takes part in International Alert mapping project in Lebanon. Photo by Ali Hamouch
Working to bring about peace first requires an understanding of what is causing the violence, so we begin our work with research and analysis of the conflict in question.


Kayan lady back from hillside cultivation Photo by U Aung Naing Oo
The climate crisis is impacting peace and security now. Peacebuilding is vital to ensure climate responses do not exacerbate conflict and work to build peace.
Man reading a newspaper. Right to voice project Nepal. Photo by Robic Upadhayay
By supporting press freedom and conflict-sensitive media, we can ensure the media has a role as positive social connector rather than driver of violence.
Metalwork in Rwanda photo by Carol Allen Storey Fractured Lives
From aid delivered during conflict to investments made in post-conflict settings, economic policies and practices play a huge role in peace and security.
A packed bus in Tunisia. Photo by Callum Francis Hugh
We predict vulnerability and resilience to conflict based on knowledge of the social, political, economic and environmental dynamics of a place over time.
Woman in Nigeria looks to camera. Photo by Carol Allen Storey Bad Blood project
Gender is fundamental to conflict and peacebuilding. Our gender-sensitive conflict analyses shape evidence-based policy and gender-sensitive programming.
Tajikistan Living with dignity 'Zindagii Shoista' project. Ghusar Village. Photo by Aziz Satorri
Our work to prevent gender-based violence recognises that by changing oppressive gender norms and attitudes, we can reverse the normalisation of violence.
Man in street photo by Callum Francis Hugh
We know that violent extremism rarely happens in a vacuum. You can’t prevent violent extremism, unless you commit to building peace and security.
Group talking Rwanda Fractured Lives photos by Carol Allen Storey
Being able to pursue truth and justice and having the opportunity to reconcile post-conflict is an integral part of progressing towards sustainable peace.
Goma DRC border crossing security photo by Carol Allen Storey
Prospects for peace are strongest when governments operate transparently, when laws reflect the common good, and when citizens and government collaborate.

Donate today and help us make peace a reality

We believe in a world where people resolve their differences without violence. From the grassroots to policy level, we bring people together to build sustainable peace.