Cross-border woman trader in DRC

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With your support, we can continue to support communities across the world to prevent violence and build peace.

We believe in a world where people resolve their differences without violence and can build a more peaceful future for their families and communities.

We focus on solving the root causes of conflict, connecting people across divides through dialogue, and identifying joint solutions to help people reconcile.

From the grassroots to policy level, we push for changes in policies and practices that will break the cycles of violence and build long term peace.

Small actions can make a real difference in building a more peaceful future. With your help, we can continue to support communities across the world to prevent violence and transform thousands of lives.

Support peace today

We believe in a world where people resolve their differences without violence. From the grassroots to policy level, we bring people together to build sustainable peace.

Other ways you can support International Alert’s work


Become a funding partner and invest in specific areas of our work. Our programmes range from dialogue work that supports trauma healing at an individual and societal level to influencing change where all sides of the conflict can be heard to better support peace.

Become a peace champion

Organise a fundraiser for International Alert, sponsor our events, provide in-kind support, support us through your business.

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Leave a gift in your will to International Alert and continue to make a difference for years to come.

It takes all of us working together to build the peace that people seek and deserve.

Thank you for your support.

Get in touch

Contact us via the form below if you have any questions or enquiries about supporting our work or getting involved with International Alert.

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