In Rwanda, we have been supporting the peaceful reintegration and reconciliation of survivors, perpetrators, ex-combatants, and young people from various groups affected by the genocide, and other contemporary emerging conflicts.
Our programmes contribute to the consolidation of peace and equitable development in Rwandan society. We continue to support groups most affected by the genocide and its consequences and use dialogue to build trust and understanding between them.
We promote spaces for dialogue between citizens and authorities, working in partnership with local authorities on rural development to ensure equitable growth and a reduction in the risk of conflicts. Trauma counselling and micro-finance schemes have enabled people affected by genocide to identify common ground for cooperation and coexistence, and to learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully.
We equally engage governments at local and regional levels to address gender and conflict dynamics which could hamper cross-border trade, a vital source of income for women and their families.
We have been working on peacebuilding in Rwanda since 1996.
Conflict context
Following the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda has made significant progress in peace, development, reconciliation, social rights, and gender equality.
The country has also made great strides toward rebuilding the national economy, strengthening state institutions such as the courts and justice system, reforming health and education systems, and rehabilitating infrastructure – all of which has remained safe and secure.
However, Rwanda is a small and landlocked country situated within a conflict-prone region and its post genocide recovery is long and complex. Resilience at both the individual and society level is crucial to building long-term and sustainable peace in Rwanda.
“The future is bright”: How reconciliation is helping rebuild Rwanda
30 years after the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, communities across the country continue to grapple with the implications.