The concept, process and methodology of the Community Score Card (CSC)
This video covers the concept, process and methodology of CSC implemented in close coordination with Nepal Police with financial support from UKAID.
You can watch it here:
The Community Score Card (CSC) is a social accountability tool integrated into International Alert Nepal‘s SAHAJ project, which aims to improve collaboration and mutual accountability of service seekers and service providers.
The CSC’s methodologies and approaches have been adapted by Alert, to make them more systematic and user friendly. The collaborative and conflict-sensitive approach of the CSC is one of the key factors in strengthening collaboration and mutual accountability.
During the project period, the 101 CSC session in three cycles were conducted in 33 municipalities directly engaged with 2514 beneficiaries and 708 police in Province 2 and Lumbini Province. The CSC sessions were conducted in close coordination with Nepal Police and local government which helped to build mutual understanding and strengthened the community-police partnership at the local level.
An assessment conducted in January 2021, revealed that the CSC tool contributed to:
- Identifying the gaps in enhancing access to Security and Justice (S&J) services through analysing capabilities, opportunities and motivation
- Strengthening mutual accountability between ‘Demand and Supply’ sides
- Establishing an enabling environment in accessing to S&J services as per the local laws and policies
- Strengthening and initiating joint collaboration between police and community for accessing to S&J services, and reducing GBV cases
- Generating empirical evidence to inform the gender-responsive and survivor-centred local policies and plan.
It also contributed to foster a stronger ownership at both the service providers and service seekers level.
More about the Community Score Card:
- Publication: Community Score Card (CSC): Practical Guide, Summary Document and Evaluation
- Video: How the Training of Trainers (ToT) programme is helping police officers in Nepal
- Story: Training the Trainers (ToT): Community Score Card takes another step forward
- Story: Community Score Card Manual Launched at Nepal Police HQ
- Story: (Re)building trust and accountability between citizens and states following the COVID-19 pandemic