Mechanisms of public participation and multi-track diplomacy: Lessons from Northern Ireland

Mechanisms of public participation and multi-track diplomacy: Lessons from Northern Ireland

This report presents the findings of collaborative research carried out by a group of experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorny Karabakh into the mechanisms of conflict transformation in Northern Ireland.

It is informed by extensive research, including interviews in Dublin, Belfast and London with key interlocutors such as politicians, academics, journalists, community leaders and civil society activists from Catholic and Protestant communities.

The study focuses on five key factors involved in building a lasting peace settlement in the Northern Ireland conflict:

  • the roles of political institutions
  • official diplomacy and external actors
  • the diaspora
  • the media
  • civil society

It is the second in a series of reports by the Comparative Learning Unit supported by International Alert.

Advancing the prospects for peace: 20 years of civil peacebuilding in the context of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict

Mechanisms of public participation and multi-track diplomacy in peace processes: Lessons from the Basque Country in the context of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict