Prevention of violence against children toolkit for educators

The ‘Safe to Learn’ educators toolkit is for those working in non-formal education centres and is focused on creating a safe learning environment, reducing bullying and violence in and around the learning centres.

The toolkit is envisioned as a module-based manual to be used by educators. It includes assessment tools that can be used to assess the situation of bullying, violence prevention and social cohesion in the learning centres, focusing on five main themes: children’s rights; leadership and culture; policies, procedures and mechanisms; attitudes and behaviours; and learning and classroom environment.

It also includes a set of activities to be used by educators in the classroom, during break/recess, in meetings with parents and in activities involving students, parents and other members of the community.

In addition, the toolkit includes a module on monitoring and evaluation that supports educators in planning the delivery process of the different assessments and activities, evaluating the process, and collecting and analysing the main findings for further follow up or referrals.

The last part of the toolkit includes additional recommendations that non-formal education centres can use to enhance social cohesion and child safety inside and outside the centres.

The toolkit is part of the ‘Ending Violence Against Children’ project implemented by International Alert in Lebanon. It is the result of a consultation process involving our partners in the ‘Safe to Learn’ project: Basmeh & Zeitooneh, Damma Organization, Sawa for Development and Aid and the Centre for Lebanese Studies.