Re-assessing gender norms after conflict: Gender in peacebuilding in Nepal
This report examines the role of gender in peacebuilding in Nepal, which emerged from a ten-year civil war in 2006.
The peace settlement saw the end of the monarchy, the demobilisation of the People’s Liberation Army and a long, still ongoing process of redefining the constitutional framework of the new republic to make it more equitable. However, the end of the insurgency has also led to a gendered ‘roll-back’ in some areas, where there has been a re-emergence of discriminatory practices and patriarchal structures.
Following a historical background to the current situation and an overview of gender relations in Nepal, the report examines two key post-conflict processes from a gender perspective: the reintegration of former combatants and migration.
It then examines the gender-relational peacebuilding of three organisations in detail:
- CARE Nepal’s work on gender equality
- Saathi Sanga Manka Kura’s work on involving youth
- Blue Diamond Society’s work on sexual and gender minorities’ rights.
This is followed by an assessment of the thematic focal issues of economic recovery, intergenerational conflict, permutations of violence and access to justice from a gender perspective, and a summary.
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