Lessons learned from the Enabling Good Governance in Kenya’s Oil Sector project
This paper presents lessons learned from the Enabling Good Governance in Kenya’s Oil Sector project. The project aimed to address governance deficits by building constructive relationships and engagement processes between the Tullow Kenya Business Venture (TKBV) and its external stakeholders, including host communities.
Engagement processes, such as grassroots dialogues with company representatives, local government officials and community members, were approached as a means of fostering constructive dialogue about issues that divide local actors, including the company.
The paper is based on the experience of the project’s implementers: International Alert (Alert), CDA Collaborative Learning (CDA), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and Kaputir Resource Management Organization (KARMO). It is also based on interviews with approximately 25 of the project’s stakeholders and interlocutors, representing the Tullow Kenya Business Venture (TKBV), the Turkana County Government (TCG), communities in Turkana East and Turkana South sub-counties, the Turkana Chamber of Commerce (TCoC), nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) operating in Turkana county, and other NGOs engaged in the project.
The paper incorporates insights gleaned from the work of Alert, CDA and CIPE work in other contexts, as well as a small number of secondary resources.
Related publications
There are four lessons learned papers in this series:
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