Annual Report 2021
Our latest annual report reflects on some of the accomplishments we had last year but also the challenges posed to peace.
2021 saw significant bloodshed in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen, and increased conflict and instability in dozens more countries.
The need to promote peace and peacebuilding has therefore never been greater. International institutions and nation states have the lead role here, establishing ceasefires, crafting diplomatic approaches and supplying emergency relief. Yet, sustainable peace requires direct engagement with local communities on cooperation and reconciliation.
This is where organisations like International Alert and our colleagues in the peacebuilding sector perform essential roles.
Last year we supported peace across the globe. We used conflict data to influence key legislation in the Philippines, supported water diplomacy and dialogue in Mali and Kenya, improved religious leaders’ understandings of gender-based violence in Kyrgyzstan and supported violence prevention for children in Lebanon, to name but a few examples.
Whether you wish to see progress on reducing poverty and inequality, on the climate crisis, on gender equality or on the Sustainable Development Goals, ending cycles of violence remains paramount for success and Alert stands ready to help.
Our previous annual reports and accounts are available from the Charity Commission.