International Alert supports Ukrainian National Center for Peacebuilding with their strategy
Between 8-10 February 2022, International Alert facilitated the strategy development session for te Ukrainian National Centre for Peacebuilding.
To help develop the strategy, International Alert created a methodology for the Centre’s staff members and dedicated experts to agree objectives and activities. Over three days, session participants worked through detailed and structured discussions, shaping their vision of priority workstreams for the Centre in both the near future and longer term. As a result of the session, the Centre’s specialists will now develop an Action Plan, which they will start implementing immediately. The session was funded by the US Agency for International Development.

International Alert’s ongoing work in Ukraine follows research published in August 2021, which found that instead of being driven by strategies to address the conflict’s root causes, peacebuilding in the contested Donbas region is focussing predominantly on the conflict’s consequences. The research findings guide International Alert’s ongoing work to prevent conflict locally.
Strands of the Centre’s work include dialogue, education and social cohesion; coordination and communication of peacebuilding activities; documenting violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.