Through the citizen lens: Local involvement in the management of public affairs


Through the citizen lens: Local involvement in the management of public affairs

This study is the result of documentary and field research conducted in October 2016 in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Its aim is to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that link social cohesion and social accountability, with a view to establishing good practice and making recommendations.

This study broadly focuses on the results and observations made within the context of the Tufaidike Wote (TW) project. The TW project spanned the period from January 2012 to December 2016, and was implemented by a consortium made up of CARE, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and International Alert.

This multisectoral project is based around three pillars:

  • reinforcing the capacity on conflict prevention, management and resolution in communities
  • improving citizen participation and good governance of community assets
  • promoting agricultural livelihoods and alternative livelihoods

Implemented in six “groupements” (one in North Kivu and five in South Kivu), the project has reached 70,164 people directly and around 370,000 indirectly. In line with the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy (ISSSS) for the eastern DRC, the project has contributed to a framework for a more inclusive and transparent governance system through strengthening the spaces, capacities and opportunities for citizens to participate in decision-making.