Strengthening local capacities for social stability in Tripoli and Beqaa
A project by International Alert, Basmeh & Zeitooneh and House of Peace.
Within the context of Lebanon’s compounded crises, the need to address social stability increases. Inter-community relations have been deteriorating especially in underprivileged areas and between Lebanese and Syrians. With support from the “Regional Development and Protection Programme for Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq”, three organisations: International Alert, Basmeh & Zeitooneh, and House of Peace joined efforts working on a ten month project (from March to December 2022) titled “Strengthening local capacities for social stability in Tripoli and Bekaa” (the Project thereafter) and operated in the mentioned regions along two objectives:
● Strengthening the capacities of active local organisations working on protection, education and livelihoods to integrate social stability into their work and pilot community initiatives.
● Strengthening capacities and supporting youth and women-led local committees and dialogue groups to implement initiatives in the community, which respond to locally identified needs and create opportunities for interaction and collaboration.
The project directly fed into the global goals of promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development and bringing communities together to work on reducing inter and intra-communal tensions.