Prospects for the regulation of Trans-Ingur/i economic relations: Stakeholder analysis
This report analyses views among business communities, particularly small- and medium size enterprises (SMEs), on the issue of the regulating trans-Ingur/i economic relations, Georgian-Abkhaz conflict transformation and the invigoration of the political process.
This report is a continuation of an Abkhaz-Georgian research process which began in 2009 and evolved more generally from International Alert’s Economy and Conflict work in the South Caucasus. This work seeks to deepen understanding on the economic dimensions of peacebuilding, as well as to engage economic actors in peacebuilding in the South Caucasus. International Alert first deliberated the issue of regulatory frameworks and their relation to conflict transformation in the Georgian-Abkhaz context in 20041; today the topic remains equally relevant.
The aim of this report is two-fold: firstly, to provide empirical evidence and analysis of views within the private sector on regulating trans-Ingur/i economic relations and hence stimulating discussion on the issue; secondly, to put forward recommendations on how regulation could be conducted in order to benefit the broader conflict transformation agenda.
The empirical study on perceptions of the significance of the existing trans-Ingur/i economy by SMEs on both sides of the conflict – the alleged stakeholders of the trans-Ingur/i microeconomy – were carried out and assessed alongside a survey of public officials and politicians – those who define the political and legal context for transactions.