Perceptions and prescriptions: How Lebanese people view their security

Perceptions and prescriptions: How Lebanese people view their security

This paper summarises the findings of a nationwide survey by International Alert and the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies​ about the public’s perceptions of security.

The research aimed to produce statistically valid data on people’s perceptions, across geographic and sectarian lines, and to inform expert-level dialogue on the role that security agencies were expected to play in Lebanese society.

This paper is one of six papers exploring the Lebanese public’s perceptions of their security institutions. You can view the other related papers here:
Citizens’ perceptions of security institutions in Lebanon
Citizens’ perceptions of security threats stemming from the Syrian refugee presence in Lebanon
Civil society’s role in security sector reform in Lebanon: An asymmetric partnership despite a growing working relationship with security services
Gender, security and SSR in Lebanon
Security threat perceptions in Lebanon