Oil exploration in Ituri: A human rights and conflict risk assessment in Block III


Oil exploration in Ituri: A human rights and conflict risk assessment in Block III

International Alert and Haki na Amani Network conducted a Human Rights and Conflict Risk Assessment on behalf of Total E&P RDC – a subsidiary of the French multinational oil and gas company – in oil Block III of the Albertine Graben in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between August and November 2013. 

The purpose of the assessment was to support Total E&P RDC to better understand the complex environment in DRC, specifically in and around Block III. This should help Total E&P RDC to ensure that its exploration operations are sensitive to these dynamics, minimise the possibility of any negative effects and maximise the potential for positive impacts. 

While International Alert and Haki na Amani Network conducted research for Total E&P RDC, these two organisations remain independent of Total in their work, views and opinions.