The national strategy and national action plan for gender equality in Kyrgyzstan

The national strategy and national action plan for gender equality in Kyrgyzstan

Executive summary of a rapid assessment study reviewing the National Strategy and National Action Plan for gender equality in Kyrgyzstan to see how to address the needs of women and girls from religious communities.

The assessment was conducted as part of International Alert’s project, Tatyktoo Zhasho (Living with dignity), which works to ensure that the key messages on preventing violence against women and girls reach religious communities. The project was funded by the British Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The purpose of the study was to review the National Strategy and National Action Plan (NAP) for gender equality, along with the post-COVID-19 recovery plan by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2020-2021. the aim was to identify potential gaps and opportunities, and work with the Interfaith Working Group, policy makers and development partners on how to address the needs of women and girls from religious communities in strategic documents.

The assessment was conducted in September 2020 and used qualitative research methods: desk research and in-depth interviews.

The topic of this paper is increasingly relevant due to the surge in violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Ministry of Interior of the Kyrgyz Republic, this increased by 65% compared to the same period in 2019. This work is also important because the main strategic documents in the area of gender equality expire in 2020 and active work on designing state policy for the next period has already started. The recommendations made in this study can be used by all stakeholders in designing measures for the new cycle.