Local business, local peace: The peacebuilding potential of the domestic private sector

Local business, local peace: The peacebuilding potential of the domestic private sector

This publication makes the case that the local business community in conflict-affected countries can and should play a role in building peace.

Linking up with other peacebuilding actors, and taking advantage of their own resources and skills, business communities should address socio-economic, security, political and reconciliation dimensions of peacebuilding.

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Executive summary (English)

Executive summary (French)

Executive summary (Russian)

Executive summary (Spanish)

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Table of contents
Section 1: Thematic chapter 1
Section 1: Thematic chapter 2
Section 1: Thematic chapter 3
Section 1: Thematic chapter 4
Section 1: Thematic chapter 5
Section 1: Conclusions
Section 2: Overview of case studies
Section 2: Afghanistan case study
Section 2: Bosnia and Herzegovina case study
Section 2: Burundi case study
Section 2: Colombia case study
Section 2: Democratic Republic of Congo case study
Section 2: El Salvador case study
Section 2: Guatemala case study
Section 2: Israel and Palestine case study
Section 2: Kosovo case study
Section 2: Nepal case study
Section 2: Nigeria case study
Section 2: Northern Ireland case study
Section 2: Philippines case study
Section 2: Sierra Leone case study
Section 2: Somalia case study
Section 2: South Africa case study
Section 2: South Caucasus case study (English)
Section 2: South Caucasus case study (Russian)
Section 2: Sri Lanka case study (English)
Section 2: Sri Lanka case study (Sinhala)
Section 2: Sri Lanka case study (Tamil)