Investing in peace in Uganda

Investing in peace in Uganda

This series of briefing papers will promote greater understanding of the economic dimensions of peacebuilding across different issue areas and regions of Uganda. The research and the reports are intended as part of a process of discussion and dialogue.

Volume 1 examines current proposals to bring economic recovery to Northern Uganda. It seeks to inform policy-makers and practitioners from government, development partners and the private sector about the issues involved in ensuring that the most productive possible approaches and policies are adopted.

Volume 2 reviews the current status of oil exploration, plans for production, and the policy environment for managing oil in Uganda. Its focus is on the potential for oil to trigger or exacerbate violent conflict in Uganda at different levels: national, local and cross-border with neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Alert’s research suggests that conflict risks associated with oil have to date been overlooked.

Volume 3 forms part of a wider comparative study on women’s political participation in countries emerging from conflict undertaken in the Great Lakes region by International Alert, together with the East African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI).

For International Alert, this work is also part of a broader range of dialogue and research on the economic dimensions of peacebuilding that we are carrying out in Colombia, the Caucasus region, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

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Vol 1. Building a peace economy in Northern Uganda: Conflict-sensitive approaches to recovery and growth

Vol 2. Harnessing oil for peace and development in Uganda

Vol. 3. Changing fortunes: Women’s economic opportunities in post-war northern Uganda