Enabling peace economies through early recovery: Perspectives from Uganda

Enabling peace economies through early recovery: Perspectives from Uganda

This report argues that a political economy lens on conflict in northern Uganda highlights the intricate links between the region’s economy and its conflict and prospects for peace.

This focus provides a clear rationale for different policymakers and implementers from each of government, development partners and the private sector to adopt more conflict-sensitive approaches to contributing to early economic recovery of the region. Careful planning for and implementation of early recovery that is grounded in an appreciation of macro- and micro-level conflict dynamics, it is argued, can help enable the emergence of a peace economy in this region affected by years of war.

The report draws substantially on a survey commissioned by International Alert in Uganda of people’s perceptions about their current economic circumstances and prospects for recovery, conducted in June–July 2008 in the districts of Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum and Lira. Through analysis of findings from the survey, and wider policy developments affecting the region, several current priorities are identified for laying the foundations of a peace economy in the region.