Conflict-sensitive land policy and land governance in Africa: Peacebuilding essentials for economic development practitioners – Practice note 7

Conflict-sensitive land policy and land governance in Africa: Peacebuilding essentials for economic development practitioners - Practice note 7

This practice note explains the importance of using a conflict-sensitive approach to land policy and land governance in conflict-prone or conflict-affected contexts.

It offers guidelines and principles on how economic development planners and practitioners can promote conflict-sensitive land policy reform and implementation. Conflict-sensitivity in this context denotes the consideration by policy-makers and practitioners of the range of issues that may have, or may in future, cause and trigger violence.

As issues related to land are at the root of violent conflict in many developing countries, they need to be addressed in a comprehensive way that maximises the productive capacity of people and natural resources while also minimising the risk of violent conflict and instability. Incorporating a conflict-sensitive approach when designing and implementing land policies and land reform is consequently crucial in order to realise increased equity, greater socio-economic development, food security as well as contribute to peace and stability.