Buscando salidas a la conflictividad social
At the end of 2012 International Alert co-organised an event in Lima aimed at promoting dialogue between government agencies, companies and civil society organisations on social conflict associated with the extractive industry in Peru. This report (available only in Spanish) compiles the presentations made by the speakers.
De acuerdo a la Defensoría del Pueblo peruana, en 2012 se registraron cerca de 230 conflictos en el país, de los cuales aquellos socio ambientales relacionados con la industria extractiva constituyeron la categoría más grande.
En un intento por comprender mejor y abordar de forma constructiva dichos conflictos, International Alert conjuntamente con el Centro para el Estudio y la Promoción del Desarrollo- Desco organizaron un evento a finales de 2012 en Lima con el objetivo de promover un diálogo entre instituciones del Estado, empresas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil incluyendo ONG, academia y centros de pensamiento acerca de la situación de conflictividad social asociada a la industria extractiva en el Perú. El reporte compila las presentaciones de representantes del gobernó regional, empresas y ONG.
According to the Peruvian Ombudsman Office, in 2012 there were over 230 conflicts reported in the country, out of which socio-environmental conflicts related to the extractive industry were the largest single category. In exploring ways to better understand and address such conflicts, at the end of 2012 International Alert jointly with the Centre for the Study and Promotion of Development (Desco) organised an event in Lima, Peru aimed at promoting dialogue between government agencies, companies and civil society organisations, including NGOs, academia and think tanks, on social conflict associated with the extractive industry in Peru. This report (available only in Spanish) compiles the presentations made by the speakers, which included regional government, company and NGO representatives.