Towards sustainable agriculture: Assessing farmers’ role in the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food security in Rwanda

Towards sustainable agriculture: Assessing farmers’ role in the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food security in Rwanda

This policy brief assesses the extent to which farmers are included in the farming process and the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food security in Rwanda. It examines whether existing mechanisms for participation have been effective in channelling farmers’ views and feedback regarding performance contracts, and in the selection of priority crops to cultivate.

Rwanda has introduced a number of homegrown initiatives that seek to ensure citizen participation in various aspects as well as inclusive growth. One of these is Imihigo (performance contracts).

In the process of identifying Imihigo targets, priority areas are supposed to be selected from the grassroots to the national level. Feedback from the community as well as the central level is required to ensure that citizens are aware of the targets that have been selected and those that have not.

Imihigo seek to provide a mechanism through which information and service delivery can be fed upwards through the levels of decentralised government (household, village, cell, sector, district, province and national levels). The process of setting Imihigo targets is meant to be participatory. However, there is scepticism about farmers’ level of participation, particularly regarding decision-making.