Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020

In 2020, COVID-19 shut down cities and nations – but not conflict and war. Our teams found new ways to continue delivering high-quality peacebuilding across the world.

COVID-19’s impact has been staggering, crippling economies and transforming everyday life for billions of people. We remain in the midst of an unfolding tragedy, with more than 157 million people in nearly 200 countries having been infected by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), resulting in over three million deaths. For many, especially women, COVID-19 also resulted in a ‘shadow pandemic’ of domestic violence.

Like many organisations, International Alert spent much of 2020 unable to work in the ways we were used to. This necessitated new innovative approaches from our headquarters and country teams, and our people responded to the challenge with conviction and creativity.

Our teams in Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria and the Philippines designed new projects to actively address unique conflict dynamics caused by COVID-19; others, such as our DRC and Lebanon teams, adapted their existing work to take account of this new context.

Their hard work and dedication allowed International Alert to continue delivering high quality peacebuilding across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.