Regulating trans-Ingur/i economic relations: Views from two banks


Regulating trans-Ingur/i economic relations: Views from two banks

This publication contains a collection of articles produced by Abkhaz and Georgian experts on the subject of the political and economic dividends – or losses – that could be brought about by regulating economic relations across the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict divide.

It is an outcome of an action research process that began in 2009 and evolved more generally from International Alert’s Economy and Conflict work in the South Caucasus on engaging economic actors in peacebuilding.

The aim of this publication is to stimulate discussion on the potential political and economic impact of transparent and predictable cross-Ingur/i economic relations. While it does not at this point put forward any concrete models or proposals for regulating cross-Ingur/i economic relations, it attempts to lay the groundwork for further specialised research and policy recommendations.